Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Much ado about Prism

The past few days I've been trying to find an online walk through that demonstrates PRISM and I have not been able to find even one that works. Part of the problem seems to be the continuous stream of breaking changes from version to version.

Browse to Amazon.com (in another tab) and search for Microsoft Prism. All the books are for Prism 4 and none of them were written more recently than 2014. We are now on Prism 6 which is incompatible with version 4 so where are the Prism 6 books or even books for version 5? The answer is that authors got fed up with rewriting their books every year. Books are a lot of work to write and publish so if they're going to be obsolete within a year, it's not worth writing them.

You will also see the Prism 4 books on Amazon are dirt cheap. You can't buy a Prism 4 book and expect the examples to work with version 5 or 6 - they won't.Prism 4 is no longer supported so no-one wants Prism 4 books now.

If you ever do get a Prism 5 application to work you can't simply add the version 6 packages and add new code that uses the version 6 features - you have to do a major rewrite.

To be honest, I don't even think Prism adds anything that's worth the trouble, but I'm not sure because absolutely no walk through I can find online actually works.

Time to move onto something else. I don't think Prism is long for this world.

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