Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DataGrid SelectedItems collection

I discovered something unexpected while researching a user's complaint today. It make sense, which may explain why it was unexpected.

The user was complaining that when they select several rows in a grid, I wasn't processing them in document number sequence, even though the grid was sorted in document number sequence. Of course, being a typical user, they omitted to mention that they weren't selecting the first row to be processed and then shift-clicking the last row. If you do that (which I always do because I think LOGICALLY) everything works as they expected.

Instead, they were selecting rows randomly. It turns out the the datagrid's selecteditems collection lists the rows in the sequence they were selected, not in the sequence they were displayed. This makes perfect sense now that I think about it.

It actually means that an intelligent user could specify the sequence they want stuff processed in. However, I doubt many developers have the luxury of a user group that is intelligent enough to use such a feature. I know I don't.

I emailed the user back saying they are using the grid selection feature incorrectly and they have to select the first row and shift-click the last row. That shut them up for a while.

One more thing, for the Microsoft people (I'm sure Bill reads my blog religiously). We seriously need a datagrid footer feature. It would be just like the header feature but at the bottom. The hacks I'm seeing online to fake up this feature are ugly.


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