This demo will have a main program (it would be a windows service, in reality) that periodically scans for new tasks (which would normally come from a database), matches the task to a class, creates a background worker, executes the task, and returns the result.
We will be working in C# today.
Start a new console app project called BackgroundProcessor and target Framework 4.0 or later.
Add a reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition
MEF finds code resources by looking for classes that export a specific interface. We start by defining that interface. Add a new Interface to the project and call it IBackgroundProcessor. It will contain two interfaces - we will look for all classes that export IBackgroundProcessor and determine which class to execute by looking for the class that implements IBackgroundProcessorData in the way we want. This will become clearer later (or not!).
namespace BackgroundProcessor
public interface IBackgroundProcessor
void Process(cBackgroundProcessorJob Job);
public interface IBackGroundProcessorData
string Type { get; }
namespace BackgroundProcessor
public class cBackgroundProcessorJob
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public string Param { get; set; }
public string Result {
get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;In the class, add a line that causes Program to create a list of all classes that export the IBackgroundProcessor class. We will write these classes later.
IEnumerable<Lazy<IBackgroundProcessor, IBackGroundProcessorData>>
private CompositionContainer _container;
In a console app, Main is static, so we need to create a new instance of ourselves. This won't be needed if this is part of a Windows Service.
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program(); // composition is done in the non-static ctor
The instance ctor is defined below. Note we are looking at all assemblies in a specific folder for classes that export the IBackgroundProcessor interface. You can also look in specific assemblies. The ComposeParts method does the actual searching. If there are errors in your Import or Export definitions this method will fail. Once we have found all the assemblies we call LaunchJobs every 10 seconds.
private Program()
AggregateCatalog catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog("C:\\Users\\me\\Source\\repos\\BackgroundProcessor\\BackgroundProcessor\\bin\\Debug"));
_container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
} while (true);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.Write("Press any key");
LaunchJobs will iterate through a list of tasks to be performed. Normally this list would come from a database or other volatile data source. For this demo we will hard-code a list in the Program class. Note the Type property - we will determine which class will process the task based on this value.
Jobs = new List<cBackgroundProcessorJob>
{ new cBackgroundProcessorJob() {ID=1, Type="Scan", Param="C:/" },
new cBackgroundProcessorJob() {ID=2, Type="Fix", Param="D:/" }
LaunchJobs will look in BackgroundProcessors (a list of classes we found that can process background tasks) looking for the one that matches the Type of the task that needs to be executed. If it finds one, it starts a background worker to execute the class.
We need to pass the class and the task to the background worker but we can only pass one argument so we need a class that can hold the background process class and the task. Note I have chosen to hold the task result in the task itself which is a bit questionable but simplifies the demo.
private class cBWArg
public cBackgroundProcessorJob BPJ;
public Lazy<IBackgroundProcessor, IBackGroundProcessorData>
private void
bool IsFound;
foreach (cBackgroundProcessorJob BPJ in Jobs)
IsFound = false;
foreach (Lazy<IBackgroundProcessor, IBackGroundProcessorData> i in BackgroundProcessors)
if (i.Metadata.Type.Equals(BPJ.Type))
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) =>
BPJResult = e.Result as
Console.WriteLine(BPJResult.Type + ":" + BPJResult.Result);
bw.DoWork += (s, e) =>
cBWArg a = e.Argument as cBWArg;
e.Result = a.BPJ;
Console.WriteLine("Launching " + BPJ.Type);
cBWArg BWArg = new cBWArg() { BPJ = BPJ, Processor = i
IsFound = true;
if (!IsFound) Console.WriteLine("Unknown
type " + BPJ.Type);
Let's start by writing our Scan class. Add a new class library project to the solution and call it Scan.
Rename Class1 to Scan and open the project properties and select the Build tab. Change the Output Path to ..\BackgroundProcessor\bin\Debug\. This puts the binary in the same folder that Program.cs is looking in.
Add a reference to BackgroundProcessor and System.ComponentModel.Composition.
The code required to connect this to Program.cs is surprisingly simple. The entire class is defined below. The decorations say "I can handle IBackgroundProcessor, you should use me when Type=Scan".
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
namespace BackgroundProcessor
[ExportMetadata("Type", "Scan")]
public class Scan : IBackgroundProcessor
public void
Process(cBackgroundProcessorJob Job)
Console.WriteLine("Scanning " + Job.Param);
Job.Result = "Success";
Repeat the same process for Fix. The code is below. Note they both implement a void Process method that takes a cBackgroundProcessJob argument because this is what the IBackgroundProcessor interface states.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
namespace BackgroundProcessor
[ExportMetadata("Type", "Fix")]
public class Scan : IBackgroundProcessor
public void
Process(cBackgroundProcessorJob Job)
Console.WriteLine("Fixing " + Job.Param);
Job.Result = "Failure";
Now the output from the application is this.
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Zipped Solution |
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