Here's the requirement. In a combo box, display different values in the combo box and the drop down. Something like below, where I'm showing the stock number in the combo box but the stock number and description in the dropdown. In this case, the combo box is in an Infragistics XamDataGrid, but it could be stand-alone or in a Microsoft DataGrid.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Width="60" Text="{Binding StockNumber}"/>
<TextBlock Width="200" Text="{Binding Description}" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis"/>
You specify the value to display in the combo box with DisplayMemberPath="StockNumber". But if you do this you get binding errors such as ...
System.Windows.Data Error: 25 : Both 'ContentTemplate' and 'ContentTemplateSelector' are set; 'ContentTemplateSelector' will be ignored. ComboBoxItem:'ComboBoxItem' (Name='')
WPF has got confused and thinks you're setting a ContentTemplate (which you are) and a ContentTemplateSelector (which you are not). The binding error doesn't stop the application from working correctly, but it would be nice not to see it, especially as it might mask real binding errors.
A little research on Google tells me to remove the reference to DisplayMemberPath which seems to work until you move focus off the combo box, say by clicking on the area to the right of it.
In the absence of a DisplayMemberPath WPF populated the combo box by calling the ToString method of the currently selected item. By default, this is the full class name. We got rid of the binding error, but the result is worse.
But ToString is overridable and we can override it like this.
Return StockNumber
DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
Title="Template Selector Bug" Height="450" Width="800">
<FrameworkElement x:Key="ProxyElement" DataContext="{Binding}"/>
<ContentControl Visibility="Collapsed" Content="{StaticResource ProxyElement}"/>
<igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding ItemDetails}" ActiveDataItem="{Binding SelectedItemDetail}">
<igDP:ComboBoxField Label="Stock #" Name="StockNumber" Width="70" AllowEdit="True"
<Style TargetType="editor:XamComboEditor">
<Setter Property="ComboBoxStyle">
<Style TargetType="ComboBox">
<Setter Property="ItemTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Width="60" Text="{Binding StockNumber}"/>
<TextBlock Width="200" Text="{Binding Description}" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis"/>
Public Property StockNumber As String
End Class
Public Property StockNumber As String
Public Property Description As String
' Return StockNumber
'End Function
Class MainWindow
New cStock() With {.StockNumber = "A", .Description = "Stock A"},
![]() |
Label="Stock #" Name="StockNumber"
Width="70" AllowEdit="True"
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